Containment Valves

Readily available from GEA - a leader in containment technology and docking interfaces. BUCK® valves offer a modular, off-the-shelf solution for your powder handling needs. The first commercially available split butterfly valve, the Buck® valve’s unique design facilitates fast product changeovers and the contained charging/discharging of potent actives from one vessel to another.

Competitively priced with short delivery times, BUCK® valves are fully GMP compliant, offer robust, free-oriented docking, a dust- and contamination-free interface, and quick and easy maintenance. And, with thousands of global implementations and 20 years of experience, GEA has been actively involved in many powder containment Community of Practices, in particular the development of ISPE's SMEPAC guidelines for evaluating containment equipment, and in the latest risk-based approach to the selection of containment equipment.

GEA Insights

Lemgo plant building

Le passé et le futur se rencontrent dans le projet de chauffage urbain pionnier de...

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

L’automatisation fait la différence pour les vaches, les êtres humains et la pl...

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

La solution de décongélation de GEA couronnée de succès chez CIAL au Chili

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